Are you Luddite about the technological changes and emerging mediums for trade and commerce? Well, your little brick-and-mortar store across the street might record the highest sales in the whole town but, are you satisfied with the number? No, right?
That’s because you are not exploiting the myriad of opportunities provided by social media.
Social media. The technology that started as a channel of communication and platform to share thoughts is now the source of revenue for organizations, independent business owners, and even pet owners.
Isn’t this the perfect time (reminiscing the global pandemic that shifted focus from offline to online) to build your business on social media and manifest your existence? Yes. It is time to participate in global competitive social commerce.
Oh! Now, what is social commerce? (Something similar popped up?)
That is our topic of concern today. “Social Commerce is a subset of electronic commerce that involves social media and online media that supports social interaction, and user contributions to assist online buying and selling of products and services” (umm…… that sounded like our chemistry professor’s lecture)
Alright. Let’s say it plainly. Social commerce is the selling and buying of products across various social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linked In, YouTube. Clear enough?
What now? Can’t think of a plan? Don’t worry, we have one for you. Fasten your seatbelts because we are going on a rollercoaster ride for the next 2 mins (okay, now that was cliché)
6 Excellent Social Commerce Strategies
Leverage the right platform
Selecting the right platform and catering to its use is important and your primary task. You will not want to sell your fashion accessories on LinkedIn (the network for connecting with professionals) and your legal expertise might not be useful for the Pinterest audience.

Tap into your customers’ journey. Which platform do they interact with the most? Where do they search to inquire about your products and services? What type of content interests them the most? The better you know your customers’ behavior, the better you reach them through the right channel.
High-quality content
Enough of hard sales. Content is the new King. The predominant Millennials and Genz (your most likely audience) have changed the landscape of social commerce, compelling the marketers to generate lucid and gripping content to persuade their purchase decisions.
Tell your story. One that is informative, valuable, and memorable. Share appealing images and videos. Include your audience in your journey. Socialize with your audience through your content. And remember, your content must be relatable to your products and services.
Analyze your gains and losses
Your next strategy will be the SWOT analysis.
Oh, Man! Another new acronym! (Popped again?)
Let’s break it down.
S – Strengths
W – Weaknesses
O – Opportunities
T – Threats
Getting it? No?
Okay. So, you have found Instagram to be the perfect medium for selling Organic Beauty and Wellness Products and have been delivering great content. your audience loves to engage with you. Then, is your task over? No right?

Social media platforms provide you with analytics tools that help identify what content is reaching your audience and what is not, which content is being praised and which is being rejected. You have the room to measure your strengths, weaknesses, prospects that will benefit you, and the hindrances from outside forces like your competitors.
Eliminate the friction in purchase paths
Convenient. The first thought that should pop up in your customers’ minds after a successful purchase. Firstly, employ an omnichannel approach to sales. Whether your customers are shopping from a mobile phone, laptop, or desktop, you can provide them with a seamless shopping experience.
Also, there is an inverse proportion between the number of clicks and sales count, i.e. fewer the clicks higher is the sales. Checkout features of Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat have enabled customers to complete their purchase process without having to leave the app. Convenient right? Leveraging these features might be favorable.
Install Chatbots to guide customer shopping
Chatbots are AI programs designed to provide a seamless customer experience. They help consumers to complete their purchases and are great tools to stimulate conversations. Interesting right?
That’s not all. They also provide valuable recommendations about new products and services. And, your human representatives can stay at ease because chatbots can entertain their queries and provide solutions to their problems.
User-Generated Content and Influencers
Imagine yourself in the shoes of your customers. You want to purchase a Galaxy M31s so you look up online for its distinguished features and reviews posted by other users. Your decision primarily lies in the reviews and opinions posted online. You are ‘influenced’ by the content created by other users. Your customers are essential advocates of your brand. Encouraging them to create content for your brand and sharing their content on your page will generate brand awareness and build trust and confidence in you.
Up until a few years ago, celebrity endorsement was a thing. But now, consumers want to hear from real-time users and seek recommendations from their favorite Youtubers. So, you can imagine what effect your collaborations with these influencers will have on your sales count.
Be aware: Humans are forever evolving. Keeping pace with their demands and wants is necessary if you want to function in the long run.
So, what are you waiting for? Assemble your force, draft your plan, and set your troop on the social media canvas.